We’re sure you know by now that digital video is one of the most progressive and cost effective ways of getting your message out there. It’s hands down the best way to capture your audience’s attention and make your point.

Beard Theory are on of my all time favourite clients-a fantastic mid sized festival in Derbyshire. I started off doing drone work for this festival in 2015...

We’re sure you know by now that digital video is one of the most progressive and cost effective ways of getting your message out there.

I really love working with the heritage sector because it combines my loves of both history and
film making...

We’re sure you know by now that digital video is one of the most progressive and cost effective ways of getting your message out there.
James is amazing! John Stamp’s video for Blowing Me Kisses is seamlessly done! Beautifully shot and edited! Excited to see whatever you do next!